Dutch Run Trinity Church of Christ

Ever wonder why you even bother? Why take the time to head to church just to sit and listen to another monologue from the Pastor that is more of an opinion or a commentary on current events than God's answers for your life? Are you leaving once again with more questions than answers?

Perhaps God's Word is spoken, but not in a way "real people" could ever hope to understand?

God's Word was always intended to be understood and applied to our lives. It still has the answers to the problems and questions that plague our lives.

We believe that there is still HOPE, that God still speaks through His Word and that we are still called to LOVE one another.

This Sunday join us for services and see how it can be.

Sunday School 10:00

Morning Worship 11:00

About Dutch Run CoC

Who we are, what we believe and who is the weird guy up front? Well, maybe just the first two for now.....

opened bible book on grey surface
opened bible book on grey surface

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“For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

- Jerimiah 29:11 NIV

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