Founded in 1843, the Dutch Run Trinity Church of Christ was begun with the hope of truly being Christ to our community. Today, the same hope lives on....

Many people today believe that Christ, and the churches that serve Him, no longer have any place in our society. They believe that people are all basically good and that science and the government can meet all your needs. Look around you, how does that seem to be working out? God's Word says that we are all created in His image, that we are ALL sinners from birth, that we are ALL in need of a Savior as NONE of us are Righteous. NONE.

So far, not much different than Science and the Government have told you. You're a mess and so am I. HOWEVER, God's Love provided us a way to become more. God sent his one and only Son as a sacrifice for OUR SINS. So that we could be FORGIVEN, so that we could have HOPE and a FUTURE. How do we know this? How can we preach and teach this? Because our lives have been CHANGED by the work of Jesus Christ! Not because of who we are but because we accepted His sacrifice and Him as LORD and SAVIOR. It's not by our works, it's by HIS Work. Come join us on the journey as we follow JESUS.